A Little Tweaking

A while back I did some small tweaking to our TV stand and I've finally remembered to share it.   The living room has had many small changes along the way, I can't seem to get it the way I want, but we're getting there.

Here's a reminder of what it looked like at the very beginning, before the picture ledges were installed, hence the blue tape:

As you can see it's not the prettiest looking thing.  We had our old box TV which only had an extra set of the red, yellow, white plugs in the front, so we had to physically switch our DVD player and PS2, (hence the hanging cords in front), whenever we wanted to use them.  I'm sure I've mentioned that Mike built that stand for us in our townhouse and it's got ton of storage for all of our movies and accessories, (except, of course, the guitar hero drums and guitars, seriously why didn't we think about storing those before we bought that thing!).  The only problem with having a lot of storage is, you always seem to find more things to fill it up!      

We bought a new TV for Christmas 2 years ago, and I was able to clean-up the shelves a little bit more.  Here's how it looked for awhile: 

Like I said, I don't like our living room yet.  I can't figure out the direction I want to go.  I have to work with the things we brought into the house like our brown leather couches and black painted furniture.  I've been focusing on little things here and there and I started by focusing on the TV stand since that's what everyone looks at when they're in there.  I only made a few little additions, but I think it's coming together in more of the direction I'm looking for.

I found a couple bamboo baskets on sale from Target a couple weeks ago which fit perfectly into the bottom shelves.  I put all of our random candles in the one on the left, and all of Benelli's toys in the right.  He knows that's where they are because sometimes he'll sit in front of the basket and lightly paw at it, letting us know he wants to play.  Also from Target, (and on sale) is the white leather bin on the floor to the left of the stand.  We have all of the controllers and accessories for the game systems in there.  Finally, I bought some blue glass vases from Hobby Lobby, (during their 50% off glassware sales), and moved the speakers behind the TV for a cleaner look.

Not an earth shattering make-over or anything, but definitely a nice change from where we started!

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