When I talked about Archer’s nursery I pointed out the main components of most nurseries: the crib, the dresser/changing table, the rocking chair. While those are obviously important, I’ve collected a few special items that were handmade for Archer, or unique lifesavers that I thought I’d share. These are obviously personal to our situation, but I thought by sharing they may be helpful to someone else too!

The first our the crib sheets. From the photo above they look pretty basic, but they’re actually a genius zippered crib sheet called

What’s so great is that it’s a fitted sheet that can be changed quickly by zipping off the top sheet instead of removing the entire fitted sheet. I didn’t realize it but crib mattresses are heavy! I’d hate to pick that thing up every time I needed to change the sheet. Archer hasn’t had any diaper disasters on the sheets (yet) but he has spit up his lunch a time or two and I can easily pick him up, unzip the old sheet, toss in the hamper, grab a new one and zip up, all with one hand!

I got mine from Amazon and got a set of 3 top sheets with one base. It was a pricey investment to buy the whole set at once, but well worth it!
The next lifesaver wasn’t shown in the nursery reveal because it is a little bulky (for the small table) and doesn’t look great in photos. On the little table next to the chair usually sits our little mini fridge.

And when I say mini fridge, this isn’t your dorm room fridge, more like a micro mini fridge.

Mike bought it for me from Amazon and it’s a
4 liter (6 can) mini fridge! We were running downstairs multiple times each night/day for milk and Mike being Mike figured there had to be a better way! This fits a couple bottles and bags of milk and is right next to me in the middle of the night.

The best part is, when we’re done needing the milk throughout the night (during the day Archer will be at a sitters), we can use this for the car or camping!
The next item I mentioned in the reveal, but I think it’s worth noting here too, are the book ledges. I knew if Archer was anything like his dad, I would need to think about the items I installed not only in terms of a little baby, but also a rambunctious toddler. That means these ledges had to be strong!
These from Amazon are advertised as twice as thick as the usual acrylic ledges and are said to be unbreakable. We’ll see about that in a few years, but that and Mike’s anchoring made me feel a little better installing these!
Another item not pictured was something we bought after I took the photos, an iPad stand.

Since I liked being in the nursery, and those first couple months it seemed like all we did was nurse and sleep, I found myself trying to get things done on my iPad but struggling to do it with only one hand.
This stand was awesome! I could catch Queer Eye on Netflix during those dreaded cluster feedings and I could answer emails from work while Archer was napping in my arms. I tried to cheap out and buy one that clipped onto the crib, but it couldn’t hold the weight, so Mike found this one for me. I use it less nowadays now that we have a sort of schedule and his night feedings are more like dreamfeeds where I can do them in the dark in less than 20 minutes. But, again it’s something we can use around the house when we aren’t using it in the nursery anymore.
The final item was something I handmade for the room, the painted globe.

The idea is all over Pinterest and I knew I wanted to have one in this Tibetan Sherpa themed room. It wasn’t that difficult, and was actually kind of relaxing (which was nice those last couple weeks before Archer was due) to paint. It’s not something I could bring down to play with, unless I clear-coated, maybe with some Modge Podge, but I like looking at it!

Like any room in the house, some of these were designed into it from the beginning, and some were added after we saw the need, but all of these items are special and/or lifesavers and worth twice as much as we paid for them (anything that gives me 10 extra minutes of sleep is worth it’s weight in gold these days)! If I can give that extra time to any other mamas out there I'll gladly share my finds! My sister (who just welcomed her little one yesterday!) is already getting the zippered crib sheets after I raved about mine!