While perusing Craigslist, we came across some sectionals that we don't really need right now. Every now and then we'll search for sectionals for the basement, partly for fun and we know we'll need one eventually. We know it's not anywhere near complete but, with the addition of Mike's home brewing items, like the kegerator, the lack of seating was beginning to bother us me. Mike loves to show off his beer and after he's poured everyone a brew, they all just stand there talking. It drives me crazy, because even though they're guys and they could care less, the hostess in me wants everyone to be comfortable and relaxed. And, even if they're still hanging out in the half-finished basement, they can at least sit down and be comfortable.
So, after a couple of weeks of general browsing, we came across something we had to see in person. The post boasted a 6-person leather sectional that's about 5 years old and for a reasonable price. Though the picture makes the couch look huge, (I was more than a little worried that it would be too big), in person it was the perfect size. So without further ado, here's the newest member of our family:
(Taken from the Craigslist ad) |
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