This isn’t anything crazy new, it’s just a quick and fun product hack that’s both used by kids, but can be done with kids as well.
I mentioned I bought this step stool for the kitchen after purchasing one for our godson awhile back. I painted the legs a navy blue, and used a shellac on the steps.
It was actually my second stool I painted. The first one was a little more special and personal though.
Our very good friends were talking about a wooden stool for their son, our godson, Marshall. I mentioned Ikea had one for $15 and picked it up for them on one of our many trips over there. Dave, our friend and coworker, jokingly asked if I was going to paint it too, and I said sure, and I’ll even do it with Marshall!
We were scheduled to watch him one night so I figured I’d create an art project out of it. I knew painting a piece of furniture with a 2-year-old is risky so I tried to think of the best method that would allow him to feel he “made” it, while keeping it nice looking so that his parents could use it around the house.
I figured I’d go with a stencil and Marshall could go crazy painting inside of it. I’d use complimentary colors, and paint the legs blue. Also, I would be doing this at their house, so I wanted a relatively clean operation, a high order with a toddler.
I prepped what I could at home. I made the stencil using my Silhouette, then stuck it on the bottom step.
Then I got smart and figured even the best painters get bleed-thru, so I quickly painted the edges to seal everything in.
I covered everything that I didn’t want paint on, (I may not be a parent yet, but I’m smart enough to know toddlers don’t color inside the lines).
Once we were at our friend’s house, I set up a painting station by taping down some craft paper, taping down the step, (so it wouldn’t move around), throwing Marshall in one of his dad’s old t-shirts, and put the kid to work!
Actually when Mike and I were both sitting there hovering, he was very reluctant. He’s actually a very meticulous child, so he was trying to stay in the lines at first, as best as any 2-year-old could.
I left to prep dinner and Mike got him to loosen the reins a little and he finally got the letters full of paint. And, quite proud of himself if I might add.
We had a little lesson in toddler when he had some paint on his hands and in the second Mike looked away to grab a paper towel, Marshall had already rubbed it on his face.
Before the paint had fully dried I removed the tape and stencil and set aside to dry. I had only taken the bottom step with us, so when I got home I painted the legs and used a couple coats of poly on the steps, sealing in the painted name as well as protecting the wood from water spills.
Marshall said he had a good time painting it with us, and his mom, Sarah, told me last night that he tells everyone that he made it with his “Uncle Mike and Aunt Mallory”, which melts our hearts, so I would call this a win!
They use it in the kitchen for washing hands and helping with food prep, and it’s held up for the last 6 months, so I think it’s safe to say it’ll last awhile.
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