Office Work

Short of painting Mike's desk and some little styling, the office is complete. As I explained, Mike's space was a last minute add-on, so most of my energy has been focused on getting my space up and running.

At our townhouse, the second bedroom was a joint office, similar to our space at the new house, but a little smaller and more things stuffed inside. We had a couch and everything that would have gone in our basement, had we had one. Things like camping supplies, archived files, and extra linens. For this reason I had only one way to go and that was up. I fit my whole office/crafting area on a six foot section of the wall because I went vertical. After using the space I realized this was the most effective way to work. Everything was within reach and when your using things like hot glue guns, you have about 0.6 seconds before it dries, so things better be within arm's reach.

With this in mind and the fact that I was bringing the same amount of stuff/crap to the new house, I had hoped to recreate this setup. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Here is a photo of my space at the townhouse:

After a marathon trip to Ikea, I made the previous set-up a little more stylish with some new shelving and bucket container system. I also moved the white cube storage from under the desk to the opposite side of the room, (which I'll show in a later post). This opened up enough space for our filing cabinet, (which the handy boyfriend built himself back in the day).

The new and improved, not to mention bigger, shelving allows me to keep all the essentials close at hand. My ever-growing Cricut cartridge collection, some ribbon, and some office supplies are all nicely organized and close-by so if I ever find myself in an Andretti-style crafting race against time (which I've been known to do from time to time), I don't have to stop to demolish our office looking from some tape.


  1. I love the "tiffany" box on the shelf. That was such a cute idea :)

  2. I can't believe I still had one. I have no idea where that went to, but that's one of the joys of unpacking: finding things you thought were long gone!
